Thursday, 2 February 2012

Music Questionnaire

I will be handing out this questionnaire to my target audience:

1. Are you male or female?
Male female

2. How old are you?

3. What is the type of music that you typically listen to?

4. Do you normally buy music magazines?

Yes No

5. If no why?

6. What makes you stop and look at a particular magazine?

7. How often would you say you bought a magazine?

Often Sometimes Rarely
8. How much would you be willing to pay for a music magazine?

Less than £1
£1 to £2.50
£2.50 to £5
More than £5

9. What stories draw you in to read a magazine?

10. In your opinion, what is the most important feature we should see in a magazine?

11. How often do you like to see magazines released?


12. What colour scheme would attract you to a magazine?

13. If you do buy music magazines, which ones do you buy?
14. Would you rather read an interview or an article on an artist?

15. Who are your top 3 artists or bands?

16. What sort of offers would you like to see included in the magazine? (circle)
Concert tickets
VIP access
All of the above
Something else… if so please explain ______________________________________

17. What would be your deciding factor in buying a magazine?

18. How do you generally hear about the magazines? (please circle)

Word of mouth
Just spot in on the shelves
See a friend with the magazine

19. Have you any other comments about music magazines? Y N
20. If yes, what are they?

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